This part of the mystery lacks more facts. That's probably as a mystery should be. No one at the stately old FIRST CHURCH of HIS WORD worship center, across the street, knew about the stalker. Well....... maybe stalker is a bit too strong a label. Probably just 'watchman' would be better. A few well-chosen questions to the watchman would see there was never any harm intended.

At this point in our mystery, for convenience, we'll call our 'watchman in jeans', Noah. This Noah didn't have any boat or even know how to build one. About all he had was a bike that was a wreck. But when mom barely has money for the rent and meager groceries, your bike has to come from the town dump, over past Shavely Street. You can imagine what condition it was in. That's probably part of the reason people started calling him Noah. His given name is James. He can't remember how long it's been since they started calling him, Noah, or most often, Noah Count. Noah still hasn't learned exactly why, that name.

Noah's watching spot was a crevice between a trash barrel and the old Luxman Building. He used a piece of cardboard to scrape away the broken glass, and cans. He had propped up his wreck, I mean, his bike in a direction for a fast get-a-way, in case he was detected. But his mind and eyes were continually focused on the old church and all the greenery around it.

Tuesdays and Thursdays seemed to be the best time for him to spend 20 minutes or so, to pull out some of the unsightly long grass along the sidewalk. He didn't doubt it for a minute that the church had gas and electric machines for doing the fancy cutting and trimming around the church, but he couldn't figure out why he never saw anyone using them. The only thing Noah could figure was the directions for using them was too hard for anybody. Or maybe people wouldn't use them 'cuz the church wouldn't pay them enough.

With just a hint of a smile to himself, Noah thought of it as '20 minute medicine'. And it isn't very easy to explain, either. The 20 minutes he spent pulling grass and weeds on Tuesdays and Thursdays.....well.... it just made him feel good. A couple times he'd rode his bike past the church on Sunday mornings, and he could hear a whole bunch of people singing and clapping their hands for God. And when he came over on Tuesdays and pulled grass on his knees, it was just like he'd get a lingering taste of the happiness that happened on Sundays. And Noah Count needed some smiling spirit, that seldom came.

Quite often this teen in jeans, this self-appointed watchman wished he had better clothes so he could come to the church on Sunday morning, like a church mouse and savor the happy time singing, first hand. Oh well. Maybe God means for lots of us to just be Noah Counts. That's a mystery to many people, for sure. But some of our mystery remains. What is Noah watching for? What is he expecting, specifically. What is it in this teen's heart that would thrill him to the core?

Noah might even ask you, if you're watching. What are you watching for? What is it in your deepest heart that would thrill you to the core? I hope it's more than a new bike or dinner.